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When Does Your Married Name Become Legal

My master`s degree was actually awarded on our wedding day (I didn`t attend the graduation ceremony because I might be better somewhere!) and even though I tried, the university would *not* print my married name on the degree because all documents had to be submitted in advance and I wasn`t legally a female surname yet. I tried to explain that the ceremony was at 10 a.m., so it would be official when they handed over the graduations, but it didn`t work. Still, it`s pretty good that the last thing I received as a maiden name from a woman was an MS, and that`s my birthday printed on it! So I changed my name on my Social Security card a few months ago, but nothing else. Will the DMV know if I don`t tell them? Aside from the time it takes to find a day on your schedule to get to the SSA office or send the paperwork, it takes between 10 and 14 business days to get your updated Social Security card once you`ve submitted all your paperwork. With your new name and payment information in hand, it`s time to update the payment information for your mortgage or rent and utilities. Most can be easily updated online in your account portal or over the phone, and it should be as simple as entering your new last name and entering your new credit card number or banking instructions. But my honest opinion is. I would say that as soon as you feel comfortable with it, you do it. If this is what you are going to use in your career, take this email addy as soon as possible!! No reason not to, except in cases where your official name is required.

I don`t regret changing my name, not at all. But there`s always that hint of loss I feel when I think of my maiden name or when I accidentally refer to myself as Okaybear MaidenName (usually on the phone at work). I am jealous of my sister-in-law who was allowed to take MY maiden name as her when she married my brother. It`s really a strange headspace. I sent my SS name change papers two weeks ago and they haven`t come yet. Can the DMV just save my information and try again without me being there, and just send my license once they`re done? Anything new and permanent will have my new last name, even if we`re not married yet, because it makes more sense to me. Everything that can wait until marriage will wait. Once you have your new Social Security card and driver`s license, the rest of your name changes should be easy. Some changes only require a phone call, while others require a copy of your marriage certificate or an updated Social Security card.

Some of these name changes include updating your insurance information, utilities, and social media IDs. I was “legalized” last week and came to work the next day and my colleagues had a big “Mrs. V” hanging on my wall – so I guess I started using it right away, haha. In fact, I`ve used it a bit over the past few months, as one commentator above put it, anything that wasn`t “official.” So I had to register with a new vet, so I registered it under Mr. and Mrs. V, because it changed soon anyway. I already have an email address with this name, it is currently forwarded to my old address, but after we get married in December, I will exchange the order of it. If you have a home loan that shows your name before the wedding, call your lender and discuss the requirements for a name change after marriage.

You may want to add your spouse to the mortgage (if they are not already there) and refinance your loan. Review all of these options with your lender. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a two-year rule for changing the name of the Social Security card. Their identity verification standards are stricter after two years. I started “using” mine about 3 weeks before. I wish I had started earlier because our son was going to school this year and all the documents were fake. Then I had to prove who I was! It was a PITA. The reason I started early was for reasons similar to yours: I knew there were people I was giving my cards to whom I would not keep in touch before the wedding. For some who knew it was going to happen, I put Kelly (Smith) Jones and for others who didn`t, I just put Kelly Jones.

So far, as I said above, the only problems I have had have been with school. Most places understand name changes and are very accommodating. Before diving into the guides, we`ll answer some common questions about how to change your name after your wedding. I started changing my name in emails and websites within days of my wedding day. I only started using it for legal documents after I changed it with the Social Security Office. I immediately registered a new Gmail account when I decided to change my name, even though I`m not using it yet! I just wanted to know that I would have it ready. Fortunately, in most cases, this is not necessary after marriage, as your marriage certificate can serve as proof of your name change. The vows were pronounced, the rings exchanged and you celebrated with your family and friends. It`s all said and done, right? Almost! As part of your post-marriage checklist, if you`re planning to change your last name after marriage (which is entirely up to you!), there are a few other things you need to do to make it official. So, without further ado, keep scrolling down to see our steps on how to change your name after you get married. If you have kids, visit their school(s) and let them know that you changed your name after you got married, that way they`ll have the right name on the pickup list and know how to approach you when they need to call or message home.

I`m going to take her name as a kind of middle name, so I`ll be Cassie Cumberbatch Hiddleston (not my real names, of course!) So I can keep Hiddleston in my passport, my academic and professional brand and so on, but if someone calls me Mrs. Cumberbatch and takes the hypothetical future offspring out of school, it won`t be a problem either. I haven`t investigated legality in Australia, but I can`t imagine it`s a big problem. Just because you have a marriage certificate with your new surname doesn`t mean you`ve officially changed your name. (If you thought this was the hard part, wait until you see the lines at Social Security and DMV.) However, there is a shortcut: make it easy for yourself and speed up your paperwork with the brilliant and simple Hitchswitch name change kit. So I got married in July and filed a disability claim in June. I haven`t changed my name yet because I`m at the end of my third trimester and I`m about to burst. Will the marriage delay my disability claim because my last name was changed on my marriage certificate? Each airline has a different policy when it comes to changing your name for their frequent flyer programs, so call the individual airlines you have accounts with. You may need to send a copy of your marriage certificate by mail or fax. And if you`re traveling on your honeymoon immediately after your wedding day, don`t forget to book the ticket under your maiden name. If your passport is less than a year old, you can renew it free of charge by mail using Form DS-5504. This is when good timing and speed can become a money saver.

You`ve already told your insurers your new married name, now it`s time to let your doctors, dentists and veterinarians know. This will help avoid problems at the reception the next time you need to see a doctor. Many brides wonder before the wedding if there is a set time limit on the time they have to change their name after the wedding.

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