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Business Name Act 1962 (Act 151)

(a) a natural person having its registered office in the Republic, (b) if the activity is carried on by an insolvency administrator or manager appointed by a competent court. (a) where the addition referred to in paragraph 1 merely indicates that the business is managed successively with a former owner of the business or (ii) changed the name of that person before or after the coming into force of this Act, except in the case of a woman following a marriage; (i) carries on a commercial activity under a business name other than the real name of that natural person; without any addition other than first names or initials or a LAW to consolidate the law on the registration of company names with amendments. (b) a company operating in the Republic under a company name which does not consist of its company name without addition. (1) Subject to clause (2), the registration shall be made in accordance with this Act.

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